Monday, May 2, 2011

Yes Men

Yes Men was a really hilarious movie. I liked how they would construct details of a story in order to troll people who they were talking to. Their use and missuse of language that they developed to sugarcoat hideous actions like slavery, was really great and reminded me of Orwell's 1984. They made fun of the presentation form, and how silly those business conferences can be.
The only thing I didn't like about there methods is that it seemed like they weren't exactly sure about what the WTO actually did. I would have rather they said that they weren't too sure about what the WTO did, but rather just said that they believed the WTO has a certain tendency to favor things that benefit big business rather than poor people.
I think this project relates to my found footage project because the Yes Men used something like the medium of business presentations from the WTO, to further their own message.

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